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Grilled Peaches with Fresh Whipped Cream

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These grilled peaches with fresh whipped cream are so easy and so fast that it’s impossible to believe they could be so delicious.

  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


Units Scale
  • 2 large yellow peaches (white peaches work, but not as well)
  • 1/2 tbsp Olive Oil (for drizzling on the peaches)
  • 125 g (1/2 c) heavy whipping cream
  • 14 g (1/8 c) confectioner’s sugar
  • 1/8 tsp fine sea salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


Before You Start:

  1. Place a stainless steel mixing bowl and balloon whisk in your freezer while you make your peaches.

To Make the Peaches:

  1. Heat a grill to about 350°F-375°F, or heat a grill pan thoroughly on medium heat.  (See Note)
  2. Cut clean peaches lengthwise, carefully going all the way around each peach.  Twist to separate and fully remove the peach pits.
  3. Drizzle olive oil on cut side of each peach.  Brush to distribute evenly.
  4. Place peaches, cut side down, on the grill over direct heat.  Don’t be afraid if you hear a bit of a sizzle!
  5. Gently check the peaches with tongs about every 2 minutes.  You’re looking for peaches that have slight char (grill lines are a bonus, not a necessity) and are a darker golden color.  Additionally, the texture should be slightly softened, but not mushy.
  6. Total time will depend on the size and ripeness of the peaches, but this generally takes anywhere from 6-10 minutes.  Peaches that started off more firm will take a few minutes longer; soft late summer peaches will likely be on the 6-8 minute end. 
  7. Once the peaches are done, place on a heat-proof serving plate and set aside.

To Make the Whipped Cream:

  1. After the peaches are done, place cold heavy cream, fine sea salt and confectioner’s sugar into a large mixing bowl, or the bowl of a stand mixer.  Stir gently until the confectioner’s sugar is completely covered in heavy cream.
  2. Mix at a medium pace with a ballon whisk or in the bowl of your mixer for 1-2 minutes, or until very very soft (floppy) peaks form.  
  3. Add the vanilla extract to the floppy peaks and continue whisking on medium speed (or on high speed in a stand mixer) for another 30-45 seconds.  
  4. For this dessert, we want a soft whipped cream.  For that reason, you want to stop when you still have soft peaks.  It makes for a beautiful presentation and the most decadent mouthfeel from this particular dessert.
  5. Add a dollop of whipped cream to the cut side of each peach and serve immediately.  The whipped cream will get melty the longer it sits on the warm peach, so you could even do this last step after the peaches are on the table in front of your guests!
  6. Enjoy!


  • Make sure that you don’t grill these too high and fast!  You risk the fruit becoming bitter, instead of drawing out the natural sweetness in the fruit.
  • Author: Shani
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Category: dessert