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Orange Creamsicle Spritz Cookies

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These amazing Orange Creamsicle Spritz Cookies come together perfectly for a weeknight meal!  It’s the perfect something sweet to end the night.

  • Total Time: ~25 minutes
  • Yield: 80-90 cookies 1x


Units Scale
  • 320 g (2.5 c) all-purpose flour
  • 1/8 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 200 g ( c) granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp orange zest
  • 227 g (1 c) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

 1 x The Best Vanilla Glaze, optional


  1. Turn on your oven to a true 350°F.
  2. Sift together all-purpose flour, kosher salt, and baking soda.  Set aside.
  3. Massage orange zest into sugar for at least three minutes.  Set aside.
  4. Cream butter and infused sugar until light and fluffy.  Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.
  5. Add egg and mix until fully combined.
  6. Add vanilla extract and mix until fully combined.  Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.
  7. Add flour mixture in two batches.  Mix until nearly combined.  Finish by mixing leftover flour with a very stiff spatula and then giving 5-7 more turns with your mixer.
  8. Load cookie press according to manufacturer’s instructions, and press cookies onto an unlined, uncreased cookie sheet.
  9. Bake for 3 minutes on 350°F, then turn the tray and bake another 3 minutes or until the cookies look set (but before they are brown!).
  10. Remove the cookies from the oven.  Allow to remain on the cookie sheet for 3 minutes, then carefully move to a cooling rack.  If the cookies are slightly stuck, use a stiff spatula to gently “scoot” the cookies before lifting off of the cookie sheet.
  11. Enjoy!


  • You can save some of this cookie dough for later by refrigerating it for up to 72 hours. Just make sure that you allow it to come fully to room temperature before using it.
  • You can absolutely glaze these with my favorite glaze of all time, The Best Vanilla Glaze, for that creamsicle effect!  But you can eat them plain (as my children will attest to) and they are delicious as well!
  • Author: Shani
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 6 minutes (per batch)
  • Category: Dessert